Since I was a child, I remember hearing terrible things about World War 3 in which, all the world will be destroyed. When I grew a bit older, I thought to myself, the trauma effects of past two world wars in relatively short period of time, has probably created such paranoia in most people's minds who remembered those days when barbaric behaviors of so called civilized world in senseless wars were rampant. A long time has passed from those days but, the shadows of uncertainty and distrust in current times, indicate that the peace and tranquility is as fragile as ever in human history, or even worse.
A glance at the history of the past couple of millennia, may justify the expectation that, because of human progress in development of more advanced societies, better understanding of the situation for human beings on this planet would ensue. But, the realities on the fields show a different story. From the time that different tribes of humans would attack and kill each other over resources rather than sharing and living in harmony, to this day, the excuses for wars and conflicts have not changed much in nature. But from all those conflicts, nothing compares to the two wars of 20th century in scale of damages and casualties, which started in Europe and engulfed nearly the whole world. It seems the advancement and creation of new technologies, not only have not helped humanity as a whole, but also created possibilities for greater destruction.
Knowing that progress in technologies are now making it possible to control and manipulate the food and energy resources for the benefit of the humanity, one may wonder what is the meaning of all the tensions which are on the rise in different parts of the world. At times, it seems like a curse is forcing humanity to behave in certain ways and move in certain direction that will conclude in a catastrophic demise. This matter along with some natural disasters, unprecedented in scale, have lead to this belief by many that a "doom's day" prophecy is either at work by divine powers or is being played on mankind by some evil forces who are using any means possible to manipulate the world in preparation for implementing their plans to take over world resources. This may look very "intellectualistic", especially among some newly educated people and also old school intellectuals, to consider the suspicion over these developments mere "conspiracy theories" but there are many factual evidences that refute such naive views.
The break up of Soviet Union in the last decade of previous century, for a short period of time, created this hope that a new and harmonious world would emerge and new era of cooperation to benefit the whole humanity would commence. Victorious speech of then President of the United States of America, George Herbert Walker Bush, and pronouncement of "New World Order" openly, dashed all the hopes and started a new chapter in the history of the conflicts in the world. One of the oldest so called "conspiracy theories" which warned about the creeping forces to take over the world's resources, clearly manifested itself through that speech. And as they call it, the "End Game" has begun.
One of the notorious figures in American politics (and western world) who is well known for his focus on destruction of Soviet Union during cold war era to pave the way for establishment of a unipolar world with leadership of United States, is the Polish born Zbigniew Brzezinski whose contributions to American politics since 1960's have had major influence over the policies in western world towards political relations with the East and the former Soviet Union in particular. It must be true that Mr. Brzezinski's fixation on destruction of Soviet Union might have been mostly influenced by his personal feelings of revenge for fall of his homeland in the hands of the rulers of evil empire behind so called "Iron Curtain", and this matter most certainly has had a major effect over the political path which he chose as he grew older. Mr. Brzezinski lived most of his life in western world and spent all his time in studying (and teaching in later years) about the ways to break and destroy the Soviet system. Whether this was good or bad, is not the point of this writing. The point is to discover why and how we reached where we are now.
In the introduction to his famous book "The Grand Chessboard" that was published in year 1997, Mr. Brzezinski, after dedicating the book to his students "to help them shape tomorrow's world", writes:
"The last decade of the twentieth century has witnessed a tectonic shift in world affairs. For the first time ever, a non-Eurasian power has emerged not only as the key arbiter of Eurasian power relations but also as the world's paramount power. The defeat and collapse of the Soviet Union was the final step in the rapid ascendance of a Western Hemisphere power, the United States, as the sole and, indeed, the first truly global power."
Apart from the childish pride that emanates from these statements one can easily see the humiliation associated with them which is intentionally and clearly directed at those who were known as "Soviet Union" and its leaders in former years. As if, when the Soviet Union system was dismantled, so did all her power was destroyed and no longer existed. The self gratifying and cocky views of Mr. Brzezinski is clearly evident through out the whole book which considers Russia as a bad boy who is being punished for past bad behaviors and now should behave himself to be accepted by the community of western "civilized nations".
From what we have been witnessing since 1991, the western relation with Russia has been majorly influenced by such views which are expressed in "The Grand Chessboard". Europe and Ukraine, according to Mr. Brzezinski, is where that last game will be played before the new order of the world will be established. Dismemberment of Russia, along with creation of a new Islamic Empire in the Middle East which controls a vast territory from borders of India in the East to the borders of Egypt in the West are just two of the prerequisites for such developments which from what is currently evident in aforementioned areas, attempts are being made to implement such plans.
We should bear in mind that, Mr. Brzezinski is not originator and inventor of such views and ideas but a conveyor to bring to forefront, the views which have an ancient background and the very creation of United States of America, has been one of its greatest accomplishments according to different sources.
On September 6th, 2014, an article was published in the Russian website of Radio Free Europe (Iranians know it as Radio Farda) which was titled: "Waiting For World War III: How The World Will Change".
(English version here)
In this article, we read about how evil is Russia and specifically, the Russian leader, Vladimir Putin, and how Russia is responsible for all the conflicts in the world, from Palestine to Iraq and ISIS, to Africa and everywhere else, and finally Ukraine. The author argues that there are many parts in Russian territory that people want to break away from Russia and specifies all of them with names and locations. The author also argues that breaking of Russia in different parts will be good for economy and paves the way to create a multipolar world implying that Russia is the main obstacle in the way to prosperity of the world and therefore any attempt to break Russia apart including war will be justified.
Most of the materials and arguments which are brought up in this article are repeating the materials from Mr. Brzezinski's book "The Grand Chessboard". It looks like a grand plan is at work to create a situation where Russia is confronted by western powers, namely, USA and EU. Some time ago, in an article which was published in Washington Post, a hypothetical situation was raised in which Russia would confront USA over Alaska. This matter is even brought up in this new article too which makes one wonder where is the source for this and other claims and stories and what motivations are behind all of them? When the issue of "annexation of Alaska" was brought up with Putin once, he jokingly said that Alaska was too cold and Russia sold it to USA.
The current instability in the oil market and unrealistic fall of oil prices seem to be aimed at certain target or targets from which one of them is Russian economy with around 20% of it's GDP depending on oil sales. It seems a lot of things have changed in relations between Russia and USA since the time that Boris Yeltsin was the president of Russia. From what we see right now especially in Middle East and Ukraine in that regard, those days should be considered "honey moon" after break up of Soviet Union! Demand for a "whole and free Europe" by GHW Bush might have been a hint to coming events regarding Europe which would include a big chunk of Russia as they show in the maps which have been recently published in RFE/RL website along with the aforementioned article.
Robert Hunter of Johns Hopkins University in an article in August 2014 claimed that Russia can not realistically isolate herself from the world like th time of Soviet regime during cold war. This is right after announcement that Russia is "contiguous" to most of areas where US has foreign policy and security concerns. There is no surprise of course that those areas stretch from north pole to Antarctica where both US and Russia, according to Mr. Hunter, have common interests and security concerns. Mr. Hunter states that "No one can benefit from a new Cold War, and both Russia and the West (and others) have to do their part to have the critical factors move in directions that can benefit all of the countries involved or, indeed, just about any of them." What about the rest of the world?
In this statement from the article "The West does have to respond to Putin’s seizure of Crimea and threats to the rest of Ukraine, which, among other things, violate the 1975 Helsinki Final Act and the 2004 Budapest Memorandum. The U.S. and its allies have to take military and other steps to reassure anxious allies in Central Europe that NATO membership means what it says." one can clearly hear the drums of war without any doubt. And when we read following:
"We also have to understand that, if Russia’s future does have to be with the outside world, if we have a stake in that happening in a way that can become a plus-sum game, and if we have to play our part while correctly demanding that Putin play his part, then we have to start with strategic analysis concerning the demands of a functioning international system, not just in regard to Europe but for all parts of the globe where Russia will necessarily be engaged. This analysis should not just be a recitation of what we want, but rather a deep understanding of what has a chance to work, in pursuit of basic goals of creating a politics in Europe fundamentally different from those that dominated the twentieth century.
That includes returning to the George H. W. Bush and early Bill Clinton vision of a 'Europe whole and free,' including all of its key strategic elements. It will require an honest assessment of what went wrong from about the late-1990s onward—wrong in the West, especially the U.S., and wrong in Russia. It includes not abandoning, certainly not ab initio, the effort to move beyond the old and discredited balance of power approach to security in Europe, along with the notion of spheres of interest. Maybe Putin’s Russia—or post-Putin Russia—will not be able and willing to proceed on this basis, now or later. But the three basic post-Cold War Western goals still objectively form the best basis for a European future that will be in the interests of all its members and, if done right, will not detract from the legitimate requirements of any of them"
We are reminded that how the world has become a playground for power politics over domination of the world's resources and monopoly of power and leadership in the hands of a bunch who are mainly coming from a certain class in Western European territories although they may not be residing there.
The events which are happening around the world even in most unlikely places, to some people, convey the signs that humanity is heading for Armageddon which has been prophesied since ancient times. To some people, the unrest and struggle that we see in most places through out the world these days, indicate the rise of awareness among majority to fight for their rights against rulers and dictators. But there are those who see the hands of evil manipulators behind all these events that mostly seem to have certain direction and design in them. What is really happening in our world? Are we just condemned to act and be sacrificed like pawns in a game on "The Grand Chessboard"?
A couple of years ago, Dmitry Medvedev who was the president of Russia at that time, in an unprecedented speech on TV, directed at NATO nations warned them about expansion to the east which was against their agreement and against security of Russia. In that speech, he openly stated that Russia was re-activating its nuclear missile bases targeting major cities in western world indicating how serious the situation was. A few years earlier. in 2008, there was a serious incident in Georgia over the issue of Abkhazia and Ossetia. The clash between Georgia and Russia almost escalated to a war. Russian forces were deployed and NATO sent some of its ships to Black Sea in order to provide "humanitarian aid" to Georgia. This action by NATO resulted in a very serious reaction by Russians and Americans were forced to settle for delivering the aid and leave the area quickly.
After that event, there was a great smear campaign in western medias against Russian nationalism and particularly Vladimir Putin. Russian nationalism was portrayed as fascism and minor social issues in Russian society with very young democracy were magnified to demonize their elite and instigate a revolutionary condition to destabilize Russia and destroy the chance of Vladimir Putin's re-election as president of Russia. After failing to prevent the re-election of Putin who seem to be considered the most evil person by the western political establishment and medias, the focus was turned to Ukraine to do the job and avert creation of another Russian empire which has turned into a great obstacle in the way of New World Order.
The western dream of monopoly of power over the world seem to be running aground with quick rise of Russia and creation of a new political and economical alliance between four of the largest non-western nations of Brazil, Russia, India, and China which have been complemented by joining of South Africa in more recent years to make the BRICs nations. Western medias devious attempts to portray the newly rejuvenated Russian nationalism as second rise of communism in Russia and a danger to the "free world" has lost its credibility and now they are trying to sabotage the process of rebuilding the Russia through covert meddling in the affairs of newly established independent nations after break up of Soviet Union.
The events of last few years in Ukraine after Ukrainian government rejected the offer to join EU have all the signs to indicate the seriousness of situation for the whole world. After a direct confrontation between Russia and the West was avoided in Syria through genius solution which was put forward by Russians, Ukraine has become new field for confrontation to create problems for Russia and drag that nation into a war which would be devastating, not only for Russians but also for most of the world. Fingerprints of western intelligence agencies could be found in many areas not only in Ukraine but also in the Middle East nations which lost their stability to provide grounds for the New Order in the world.
Astonishingly speedy appearance of a new terrorist organization with Islamic ideology in northern region of Iraq and parts of Syria, which grew like a mushroom apparently out of no-where, can never be considered an accident or a result of ancient disagreements between Islamic sects. This militant organization came to existence fully equipped with all kinds of heavy artillery and transportation equipments which fit a modern day military.There are many evidences to support the creation of FSA in Syria by western intelligence agencies (CIA and MI6 in particular with assistance of Saudi government which wants to see the Alavi rule in Syria ended), out of which grew Islamic State or ISIL (or ISIS, whichever one prefers).
After the events in North African nations, which was quickly named "Arab Spring" by western propaganda, and successful removal of governments in Tunisia, Lybia and Egypt through covert manipulation of mass uprisings and even military intervention, the wave of Islamic movement in the region clearly indicated that all those events had a particular direction and served a particular agenda. It seemed like a mysterious predefined schedule was at work to achieve certain goals. Coming to power of Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt two years after US president requested their presence in Egyptian politics as a precondition for their continued $1 billion annual financial support of the nation, can not be ruled as a result of Muslim Brotherhood's fantastic ability to capture hearts and minds of Egyptian people in such short period. Historical background of Muslim Brotherhood from the day it was created, have the evidences of western intelligence meddling all over it.
Annexation of Crimea peninsula by Russia, after recent events in Ukraine, became a big issue for western powers which were apparently concerned about territorial integrity of Ukraine. Unrest and clashes between military and Russian speaking Ukrainian people in Eastern regions of Ukraine, after removal of democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovych in a style similar to Arab Spring, resulted in heated political confrontation between western nations and Russia and imposition of economic sanctions and also suspension of Russian membership in G8 organization. Display of bitterness on Ukraine issues by some western leaders towards Russian leader, Vladimir Putin, in G20 summit very recently, was in fact the peak of this confrontation which resulted in early departure of Putin from that summit, to indicate the widening gap between Western Allies and Russia, as a major global player from the East. A bit earlier, Mikhail Gorbachev, the champion of what was known as "perestroika" which initiated the process of break up of Soviet Union, had warned about start of a new "cold war" era in relations between East and the West.
Unexpected failure of FSA to topple Syrian government and removal of Muslim Brotherhood from power in Egypt, in same exact method that the previous elected president Hosney Mubarak was removed, definitely called for some solution to put the agenda back on track. A war condition was desperately needed to achieve compliance of rogue elements who seem to be cause of many concerns in the way of "New Order" of affairs in the world. And this is how Ukrainian problem starts. Everything points to existence of some deviously cunning plan and operation to prepare the world for monopoly on power by an evil system which has been in the process through a web of different organizations and institutions which have been in operation overtly or covertly since previous century (and in some case, from much earlier).
The issue of enslaving weaker nations/people through economic and financial strings has been brought to light many times before but the economic crisis of past few years in Greece and Portugal have given clear indication of devastating consequences of such issues. Realizing these matters, people of Iceland decided to reject the demands by Europeans to pay for unfair loans in order to join EU in 2011 and Iceland government broke all its ties with international banking system to become an "independent sovereign". The speech by Russian president in the last week of October 2014 has brought this to the attention of all in the world who are willing to see, the creeping danger of the policies and programs which are putting the world on the path of catastrophic confrontation, which would only satisfy those who are concerned about losing their position because of the dismantling of "status quo", that is inevitable if the world chooses to grow out of current mess.
It is clear that Russians and Chinese are strong enough to defend their own domain but what will happen if others do not see it the same way and fall in the trap which western propaganda has prepared for them? I will try to explore this matter further by digging deeper in the history of different events in western world which, aside from some positive outcomes, has also left its marks on some of most destructive affairs in human history on this planet.
Sohrab Ferdows,
December 10th, 2014
To be continued...