It has been a while since I had started writing on this matter which has been subjected to misinformation and disinformation activities for manipulation of Iranian people and Iranian political establishment (inside and outside the governing system) by foreign intelligence agencies. The so called Iranian "leftist" minded intellectuals and the hard core members of nationalist groups like "Iranian National Front" (or Jebhe Melli) have been the easiest targets/victims of this manipulation for more than half a century. This matter in fact was one of the main issues which created an atmosphere of suspicion and distrust between different groups in Iranian elite and intellectuals to provide the grounds for destruction of political establishment and creation of chaos and instability in Iran so that certain goals regarding oil and destabilization of the region could be achieved in order to advance certain global agendas.
In accordance with such agendas, Central Intelligence Agency of The United States and US political establishments, have been capitalizing on keeping Iranian people away from the realities and truth about the events which resulted in bringing American oil companies into Iranian oil business and taking away a big portion of the profit from British oil companies. Nationalization of Iranian oil which has been influenced by Americans from the beginning, was in fact the main operation which required co-operation of Iranian government and all available communication documents from US Intelligence agencies and political leadership indicate that an oil settlement between Iranian government and British was of highest importance and they counted on the government of PM Mosadegh to accomplish such task.
Failure of PM Mosadegh in resolving the oil dispute with British, had created a tense situation in the country and brought about much economic hardship for Iranian people and finally, it costed PM Mosadegh most of his support among the closest allies as well as among Iranian general population. Available documents indicate that although US government was aware that the referendum to dissolve the Iranian Parliament was illegal, they showed a positive attitude towards it and were hoping that Mosadegh's government would survive for the rest of the year and after that. These documents also indicate that US government was concerned about rising influence of Tudeh Party in the government and in the society and they had made preparations to start a "FREE IRAN" government in southern part of the country with the help of tribal elements in case Tudeh Party attempted to take over the government through a coup.
Documents also show that, although Americans were aware of Tudeh Party influence and infiltration of Iranian military (and they knew some of high ranking officers by name), they had no idea about the extent of that infiltration. All their concern was about keeping Iranian oil away from hands of Soviets and they were prepared to split Iran in half if they needed to in order to achieve that.
Since the bogus story of Kermit Roosevelt has been published to portray him as champion of Iranian oil settlement, US government have tried in many ways to (indirectly) give some sort of credibility to this James Bond story of a lifeless loser whose name (for kinship with President Roosevelt) was the only source of credibility that he had. These attempts were done through publishing the story in magazines, publishing books by questionable characters and offering meaningless apologies to mislead Iranians of the real meddling in Iranian affairs which they had done to prepare the grounds for establishment of Islamic ruling system in Iran.
It goes without saying that if Iranian political system (prior to revolution) along with Iranian opposition were not as flawed as they were, accomplishing such tasks would not be as easy if not impossible so in fact, most of the blame goes to Iranians for not being vigilant enough and do not stand on guard for their own civilization and their own way of life.
In the past, I have mentioned that American CIA has declared many times that they do not have documents regarding the events in 1953 because of the clean up operation which they do on regular basis. At the same time, they have declined to declare that the bogus story that was published by New York Magazine and George Washington University and authored by Donald Wilber, was NOT a document from CIA and had nothing to do with CIA.
In previous segment, I published some parts of one document related to CIA covert operation in Guatemala in the year 1954 to show how a real CIA document looks like and how it is written. The "PBSUCCESS" document which was partly presented here, is in fact over a thousand pages and I have all of that in my possession. In this segment I publish some parts of a few CIA documents regarding the affairs in Iran from the year 1949 to 1953 including an hourly report regarding events in August 17/1953. I have to mention that hundreds of pages of such documents are available from the archives of US government and obtainable under FOIA.
The first four images are from a CIA document of the year 1949. Please pay attention to the name of agency, emblem, date and title which is clearly in the view on the first page of the document. In second page we read about distribution of document and name of departments and people who receive a copy of the report. This list includes: the president, state department, NSC and head of the US army etc...
The rest is about stability of Iranian government and its relations with Soviet Union.
There are other documents of the same year in which CIA has provided detailed reports about Tudeh Party and its membership from which, here, I bring a single page which indicate membership of the party from different sectors of society including 500 in military which I believe is just an underestimate.
The next 8 images are from a CIA report in 1951 (just bear in mind that there are many other reports and documents in between, from 1949 to 1951 and afterwards). Again, please pay attention to CIA emblem, name of agency and title and date on first page of the document. This document has been published in year 1951 which was the year that late Dr. Mosadegh had started to work as Prime Minister of Iran. The document is mostly about oil related matters. Many different issues are discussed in this document including taking over of oil industry by Iranian government and possibility of landing of British forces in southern Iranian provinces to confront the situation.
The point in publishing these documents is to show that it is impossible that CIA has destroyed only one particular document to make room in their archives. CIA has never destroyed any document and all the documents for any kind of operations that they had planned or implemented, are available and obtainable from their archives. I have already published some of the documents related to their covert operation in Guatemala and the absence of any documents regarding the bogus so called "operation tpajax" is the best evidence that all claims regarding such operation was just a LIE by a couple of political charlatans to scam Iranian government and foreign oil companies. This matter of course was milked to the fullest by United States government to enforce their agenda and manipulate Iranian opposition to destabilize and destroy the existing political establishment at that time.
In October 1952, CIA made a report about "Prospects For Survival of Mosadegh's Regime In Iran". According to conclusions of this report, Mosadegh's government would survive for the next 6 months at least and CIA predicts that if Kashani would come to power then it would cause deterioration of Iran and final take over by Tudeh Party.
Following is the first page of NIE report from January of 1953. This report is about probable developments in Iran through out the year 1953 Please pay attention to the information clearly shown on the page:
And finally, here we have a report from August 1953 about the events of August 17th/1953
And the last image is single page cable communication of CIA, reporting to Washington regarding the "genuine" uprising of the people against Mosadegh's government on August 19th (28 Mordad) because they had nothing to do with it:
I think this should be enough to convince any unbiased reader of capabilities and effects of CIA regarding the events in August of 1953, although there are tons more document to show how CIA and American officials including President Obama, LIED to mislead Iranians regarding the roles that they played in bringing Islamic ruling system in Iran which has caused much grief and damages to Iranian nation. Please read my articles on Islamic Revolution in Iran for more information.
End: All The Shah's Men
April 20/2014
Sohrab Ferdows